The Family Law Guidance You Need

Collaborative Divorce In Florida

I drank the Kool-Aid. After my first week of certification training in the collaborative law process for dissolution of marriage, and I am hooked. I’m attorney Suzette Moore at S. Moore Law PLLC, and I am convinced that the collaborative approach to divorce results not only in far more satisfying outcomes for all concerned because the process is individually tailored to the people involved.

How Divorce Usually Goes

The usual divorce that starts off with a visit to whatever lawyer Google recommends after Googling for the “best pit bull divorce lawyer in [insert your town].”  You book a consultation, pay your consult fee, and meet with the “pit bull.”

At the initial consult, Pit Bull tells you that if you want to have a chance at a good outcome, you need to act fast to protect your interests. Pit Bull says that his motto is “Shank or Be Shanked.” Although you don’t actually want to “shank” your soon-to-be ex, Pit Bull tells you that filing for divorce is a declaration of war, and that those who “shank” first “shank” best. You ask Pit Bull what he thinks your chances are for getting sole custody of the children, permanent alimony and the family home. Pit Bull responds that he can’t promise any particular outcome, because that will be up to the judge.

Is This Really The Best Method?

Pit Bull says you must be prepared for anything and asks, “Do you hate him?”

You think for a moment, “Ummmm….no. I don’t ‘hate’ him.”

“You will,” Pit Bull responds, “Just wait. You will.”

You sign the retainer agreement, pay the retainer, and leave Pit Bull’s office—somewhat befuddled—but with a stack of forms to complete and a list of things to gather that is as long as your arm. You have little understanding of what happens next and simply have to trust that Pit Bull knows what he is doing. You worry about what will happen with the children and cry just a little on your way home.

How Collaborative Law Works

In contrast, the collaborative approach to divorce involves a multidisciplinary team consisting of specially trained legal, financial, and mental health professionals who shepherd couples through a well-defined process that is designed to preserve the financial, emotional, relational and psychological well-being of the families involved.

Right from the start, the entire team works together with the divorcing couple to address their concerns, and define the couple’s mutually-desired outcomes. Once the outcomes or goals are defined, the team continues to work together to engineer a way to achieve the goals. When the couple has reached an agreement that aligns with their goals for the future, the lawyers turn that into a legally-enforceable contract.

The Couple Makes The Decision

The most striking difference in the collaborative process is that it has nothing to do with court and a judge will never make any decisions. All of the decisions are made by the couple. Once the couple finalizes a mutually-acceptable agreement, only then will the agreement be submitted to a court; even then, the only role a court or a judge will play is to ensure that it has jurisdiction and to enter a final judgment legally dissolving the marriage.

Contact Us Today For Help

These are only a few of the benefits to the collaborative approach to divorce. To learn more, contact our lawyer, who is certified in collaborative divorce, at S. Moore Law PLLC by calling 863-216-7886 or using our online contact form.